Hardiman's History of Galway

Chapter 1: Chapter 1

Description of the old Map of Galway

Chapter 1

Chapter 1

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Old map of Galway

This curious document, of which there are but two copies now known, with certainty, to be extant, [t3] is composed of nine separate sheets, and is six feet six inches broad, and four feet six inches high; it is surrounded by a border, four inches deep, the top margin is headed by the following inscription

Old Map of Galway

1. PRELUDIUM OPERIS -- Heri, Hodie et in Secula. 2. TOTIUS LABORIS OBLATIO. -- Domino consecratur monarchia -- it contains four circular equestrian engravings of Charles II, one, in each corner, and the two others, at equal distances. -- Round the first is the inscription, Carolo II. Dei gratia, magnae Britaniae Regnorum et Franciae , Regi: -- round the second, Carolo II. Dei gratia, majoris Scotiae , regnorum et Hibernorum omnium, regi: -- round the third, Carolo II. Dei gratia, locorum seu regionum quarumdam, in mundo et meridie regi: and round the fourth, Carolus II. Dei gratia, Angliae, Scotiae, Franciae et Hiberniae, Rex.

On the first sheet, in the top margin, between the first and second effigies of Charles II. are engraved the armorial bearings, 1. of England and the Saxons, Angliae et Saxonum; 2. of Scotland, Scotiae minors et albanorum,; 3. of Wales and the Britons, Walsiae et Britanorum, and 4. of France, Franciae et Gallorum; and between them these words, FUIT, de transactis seculis, tempore elapso, prepositio. -- EST. de currente seculo, momento presenti, demonstratio. -- ERIT. de futuris, et hora novissima, demonstratio. CONDITIO RELIGIOQUE -- Analogie seu similitudines, quibus, locorum qualitates, hominumque devotio et regia majestas dignoscuntur. -- between the first and second arms there are also these words, sicut cinamonum et balsamum, aromatizans odorem dedit. -- between the second and third, Quasi libanus incisus vaporavit habitationem suam -- and between the third and fourth, Quai myrrha electa dabit suavitatem odoris.

On the second sheet, in the top margin, between the second and third effigies of Charles II. are engraved the armorial bearings, 1. of Munster, Momoniae, 2. of Connaught, Conatiae, 3. of Meath, Midiae, 4. of Leinster, Lageniae, and 5, of Ulster, Ultoniae , and between them, the words, FUIT, EST, ERIT. -- Conditio religioque. -- between the first and second, these words, Quasi platanus exaltata juxta aquam -- between the second and third, Quasi terebinthus extendens ramos suos; between the third and fourth, Quasi palma exaltata in Cades; and between the fourth and fifth, Quasi cedrus exaltata in Libano, et quasi cypressus in monte Sion.

On the third sheet, in the top margin, between the third and fourth effigies of Charles II. are engraved four shields, without arms; under the first, this inscription, No' septentrionalis et austrdis, Walsiae, novae Brittaniae, Angliae, Scotiae et York; under the second, Marilandiae, Caroline, Virginiae et Jamaice; under the third, Bermude, Barbade, Montsarret et Sancti Christofori; and under the fourth, Gkineae et Tankeriae, &c. -- Between the first and second, these words, Quasi plantatio rosae in Jericho; between the second and third, Quasi lilium inter spinas; and between the third and fourth, Quasi lilium germinans germinabit, et laetabuntur deserta et invia.

In the right and left margins of the map, are contained the armorial bearings, but without names, of twenty-four distinguished families, connected with and allied to those of Galway, with the following inscription at each side; Scuta sequentia sunt insignia quorundam ex multis Hiberniae nobilium, principum et clarissimorum virorum, qui, aliquo consanguinitatis vel affinitatis seu quovis alio necessitudinis vinculo, astricti sunt Galviensibus.

The bottom margin is divided into five compartments, in the first, are contained the armorial bearings of the families of Bareth, Bermingham, Burke, Butler, Crena and Penreice, with this inscription underneath:

Aspice conspicuos, quos Galvia justa, recepit,

Hinc illi nomen civis et omen, habent. [u]

In the second, the armorial bearings of the families of Deane, Joyce, Martine and Skereth, with this inscription over, Antiqua quorumdam Galviae stirpium insignia, and the following underneath:

Haec sunt quorumdam praeclara insignia Galvae,

Antiqua, obsequio facta serene tuo. [v]

In the third, the armorial bearings of the families of Athey, Blake, Bodkin, Browne, Deane, Dorsie, Fonte, Frinch, Joyce, Kirowan, Linche, Martine, Morech and Skereth, with the following verses underneath:

Septem ornant montes Romam, septem ostia Nilum,

Tot rutilis stellis splendet in axe Polus.

Galvia, Polo Niloque bis aequas, Roma Conachtae;

Bis septem illustres, has colit illa tribus.

Bis urbis septem defendunt moenia turres;

Intus, et ex duro est marmore quoeque domus;

Bis septem portae sunt, castra et culmina circum:

Per totidem pontūm permeat unda vias.

Principe bis septem fulgent altaria templo,

Qucevis patronae est ara dictata suo

Et septem, sacrata Deo, caenobia patrum,

Faeminei et sexus, tot pia tecea tenet. [w3]

In the fourth, four several armorial bearings of the Lynch family, headed with the inscription, Diversae familiae Lynchaeorum, a prima origine propagatae, and followed by this distich:

Hic Lynchaeorum bene prima ab origine notas,

Diversas stirpes nobilis ecce domus. [x3]
And in the fifth, the armorial bearings of the families of Fallone, Labarth, Nolan, Quinne, Tully and Porte, with the following inscription. underwritten:
Conscripti cives hi gaudent legibus urbis,

Quos falcit et fratres connubialis amor. [y3]
Having finished the margins, the body of the map next claims attention. -- The words, Carolus Rex, appear on the top of each of the three upper sheets, under which follows the title of the map, in large capitals, Urbis Galvice, totius Conatiae in regno Hiberniae, clarissimae metropolis, et emporii celeberrimi, delineatio historica. [z3] On one side are depicted the arms of Ireland, viz. those of the five provinces, Meath being in the centre. blazoned on the shield, supported by two figures, under one of which, is subscribed, Intellectus, and under the other, Veritas, and the following words underneath, Scotiae majoris, vulgo Hiberniae regnorum, insignia. In the centre of the middle sheet, are the arms of England, with this inscription under, Augustissimo faustissimoque suo principi, Carolo II, Dei gratia, Angliae, Scotiae, Franciae et Hiberniae regi, serenissimo, &c. ab adictissimo sue majestatis cliente, R.D.H.I. istius urbis cive et pastore, oblata; civitatem et se, suaque omnia, in, vel extra urbem, D.O.M. et SSe S Mti aeterno voto consccrat dedicatque.

On one side are the following verses:

Terra, fretum, populi, queque aspicis undique late,

Sunt tibi, sint generi, Carole, fida tuo. [a4]

And on the other,

Plus ultra tibi, quam tabule, vel continet orbis,

Que spheram superant suspice, nosce. [b4]

Next to these are the arms of Scotland, supported by two figures, under one of which is inscribed, Constantia, and under the other, Patientia; with the following words, Albaniae regni, vulgo minoris sive junioris Scotiae, insignia.

Under the arms of England are the modern arms of Galway, an antique gally, with this inscription over it, Laudatio ejus manet in seculum seculi; and the following under:

Galvia, quam colimus vestra est, jam respice pictam;

Nos quoque sacramus nostraque nos tibi. [c4]

To the right of these, are placed the most ancient arms of the town, with these words over them, Initium sapientice timor Domini; and underneath these verses:

Prima tuis proavis dedimus primordia nostre

Urbis et infantes nosque, serene tibi [d4]

And to the left, are the more recent arms of the town, with these words over, Intellectus bonus omnibus facientibus eum ; and beneath them these verses,

Flosque juventutis sub te crescentis abunde,

Est tuus, atque status, tempora, jara, bona.

There are two tables of reference to the map, [f4] THE FIRST, by seventyseven figures and several letters, to all matters within the town; with this title, Elenchus, quo notanda quoedam annexa et intra urbem, hoc iconismo depicta, cito perspiciuntur; and underneath this inscription, Galvia quoe aedificatur, ut civitas cujus participatio ejus in idipsum.

THE SECOND, a reference to all matters outside the walls, divided into east and west, one by fifty, the other by forty-nine figures, and entitled, Synopsis qua res circa civitatem in hac deliniatione descriptae, digito demonstrantur, and the entire concludes with these words,

Illuc enim ascenderunt tribus, tribus domini,

Testimonium Israle , ad aonfitendum nomen domini.
From the delineation just concluded, and the description already given, a tolerably accurate idea may be formed of the former opulent state and magnificence of Galway; adorned with superb and highly decorated buildings and surrounded by every requisite for security and defence, which either art could suggest or wealth command, it was universally acknowledged to be the most perfect city in the kingdom: while its rich inhabitants stood conspicuously distinguished for their commercial pursuits, public zeal, and high independence of spirit, all of which will be found exemplified, in the most satisfactory manner, throughout the following pages.

But these facts, however well authenticated, must appear extraordinary to those now acquainted with the town, and when contrasted with its present very different state and appearance, it would not be at all surprising if they should be pronounced as altogether incredible. The lofty walls, castles, edifices and towers, once its pride and ornament, are long since crumbled into dust, the much boasted spirit of enterprize and independance of its former inhabitants, lie dead or dormant in their descendants, and nothing now remains to mark their former grandeur, but the spacious ruins and remnants of a few splendid mansions, which serve but to keep alive the melancholy remembrance of what their founders once had been. The causes of these revolutions and decay will be more properly explained in another place, the reader will therefore, for the present, have to return to an earlier era, in order to trace the gradual progress of the town, from its commencement, to the period and state in which it has been already displayed; and to follow it from thence, through all its various vicissitudes and changes, to the present day.

Chapter 1

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