William R. Wilde's Loch Coirib - Its Shores and Islands

Chapter 3: Gaillimh to Eanach Dúin (Annaghdown)

Creag Castle

Chapter 3: Gaillimh to Eanach Dúin (Annaghdown)

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Passing along the road from Baile Chláir na Gaillimhe by Leacht-George, and northwards towards Áth Chinn, we cross an angle of Leacach parish. Upon the left of the road stands a very fine lios or earthen fort; and on the right are the young woods of Badhún Mór. We then proceed by Creag Castle, one of the few old castellated mansions still inhabited in Connacht. It was erected by Patrick Kirwan in 1648, and stands in a spacious well-wooded demesne, and was the birth-place and formerly the residence of the distinguished philosopher, and President of the Royal Irish Academy. Within Creag demesne, there is a small ruined church, and to the south-west is seen the tower of Lios Chananáin Castle, and more to the west stands Druim Grifín held by Uileóg Riabhach in 1686.

Outside the north side of the demesne is a pretty bit or landscape, and a " flash " of water called Áth cloigín, or the " ford of the little bell; " and beyond it the mills of Creag, near which the tourist, if travelling by the road, can turn down to the lake-side by Winterfield, and approach the group of ruins which stands beside the landing place of Annaghdown.

Next: Hags Castle

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