Spnd Christmas in GalwaySp€nd Christmas in GalwayIt is estimated that over the Christmas and New Year shopping period Galway households to spend between €75 million and €100 million on Christmas Shopping and in the New Year's Sales. Galway Chamber of Commerce launched a campaign this morning, November 18, called SP€ND CHRISTMAS IN GALWAY. This campaign is aimed at encouraging people to do as much of their Christmas and New Year Shopping as possible in Galway. Michael Coyle, CEO, Galway Chamber introducing the Campaign said: "There is nothing subtle about this campaign. We are calling on Galway people to spend Christmas in Galway. We want people to spend as much as possible of theirChristmas and New Year shopping spend in Galway - but we also want them to spend their leisure time over the Christmas holidays in Galway as well". Mayor Val Hanley, launching the Campaign, stressed the importance of the initiative and said he fully endorsed it both from his position as Mayor and from his own business background: "This campaign will catch the imagination far and wide. We can never get complacent about what we have here in Galway and today we see that the Chamber is not complacent. I'm delighted to launch this campaign and I hope everyone has a lovely, happy Christmas......and spends a few euro in Galway! Declan McDonnell, speaking on behalf of the Heart of Galway Association, said hewas delighted to be associated with the Chamber's campaign. He stressed the importance of keeping jobs in Galway and the part that this campaign could play. He also emphasised the unique atmosphere in Galway at Christmastime and urged all groups to support this campaign. During this campaign Galway Chamber will be highlighting what Galway can offer as a Christmas shopping destination and we are confident that through this publicity people from all over the country will visit Galway during the Christmas and New Year season. We believe that there are five ways that the SP€ND CHRISTMAS IN GALWAY campaign can be supported:
We have developed distinctive posters, leaflets and flyers and we are asking that these be displayed prominently. This material was given to retailers at the launch and is available at Galway Chamber. Releated Links