Hardiman's History of Galway

Chapter 4: From 1484 to the commencement of the Irish Rebellion in 1641

Improvements to the city: 1505 - 1519

Chapter 4

From 1484 to the commencement of the Irish Rebellion in 1641

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Old map of Galway

Peace being thus restored, the inhabitants again resumed their improvements. In 1505 the streets were paved, and Stephen Lynch Fitz-Dominick, the mayor, founded an hospital, in the high street, for the relief of such of the respectable citizens as might happen to be reduced by sickness or other misfortunes: he then drew a deep fosse round the walls on the east, into which a branch of the river was turned that completely insulated the town; and for these public-spirited works the corporation rewarded him with a grant of a considerable portion of the adjacent land. In 1519 the town wall was extended one hundred and twenty feet westward of Michael's tower; part of the quay was also built at the joint expense of the town and government; and the "young men" entered into military association, and instituted a company amongst themselves, with the approval and sanction of the corporation.

During the greater part of the reign of Henry VIII. the town enjoyed undisturbed repose; trade flourished;[g]; several useful bye-laws were enacted for the well orderding of the corporation, and many were also made to prevent any intercourse with the native Irish. As these bye-laws and regulations generally exhibit a curious and correct picture of the customs and manners of the town, at the successive periods of their enactment, since the year 1484, many of them will be found in another part of this work.

Next: Disputes between Galway and Limerick

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