Chapter 6: Inis Uí Chuinn to Inis A' Ghaill and Cunga Fheichín (Cong)
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Running out from the land in a western direction, and about a mile in length, is the long, low, narrow Island of Inis mhic a' trír, containing a few cottages, the meagre ruins of an ancient church, and also a burial ground.Of this ecclesiastical building we have no account; and there is not a single stone left whereby to judge of its style.It is, however, probable that on this island, as well as on the neighbouring one of Inchiquin, to which it is second in size, may have been erected one of those religious establishments referred to the times of Brendan, Maeldun, and Fursa; for there is great difficulty in determining the precise topography of many of the places in this district mentioned by the hagiologists; and when Colgan wrote he was evidently not personally acquainted with the locality, and his sources of research were chiefly Continental.The shores of this island abound with those peculiar perforated limestones already referred to and at the eastern end they form a causeway, which, with the aid of "a plank," connects it in summer time with the mainland. The derivation of the name seems to be Inis mhic a' trír, "the island of the son of the three." Taking up our itinerary where we left it, at the north-western angle of the parish of Shrule, we meet the little churchyard of Billapark, one of a group of several such which stud this corner of the parish of Cong.Then we approach Houndswood, a little to the north-west of which commences, with Cathair Muigheó, that vast assemblage of stone forts, cairns, and circles, that culminate at Nymphsfield. The river of Cross opens into the northern end of a deep bay, surrounded on the north by the woods of Ballymagibbon.In this deep bay there are a great number of small islands, upon one of which (Gibbs'), near "The salt house," there are persons now living who remember the timbers of a surrounding stockade rising above low water; so that it may fairly be conjectured, that crannógs existed here and in other parts of Loch Coirib in early times. Two roads on the west, and two others on the east, uniting at acute angles on each side of a small river running into Loch Coirib, give, together with a mill, dispensary, bridge, schoolhouse, a couple of shops, some cottages, a forge, and a public-house, etc., the name of "Cross" to a village of some note and antiquity.
About a mile to the north-east of this village, on the Kilmaine
road, stands an antique quadrangular tower, commonly known as "The
Castle of Cross;" and attached to its eastern side are the ruins of
an early, and in some of its architectural details rather interesting
church of which the two following cuts are highly illustrative,
although it has not been thought worthy of recognition on the Ordnance
Maps.The tower, which is exceedingly massive and well built, is now
twenty-two feet high, and measures twenty-five feet on the east, and
sixteen on the south side: and its walls are three feet three inches
thick.It has a narrow light on each face; and its pointed doorway,
leading from the church, opens into a stone-roofed apartment, topped
by another similar chamber, the only access to which is by a square
aperture in the floor over the outer doorway, like those seen in secular
defensive edifices.In all probability this tower, which was evidently
constructed along with the church, was used not merely as a belfry,
but as a residence for the clerics, and in troubled times a place of
security for the people and the ecclesiastical valuables, just as it
is believed the round towers were.A great many churches in Ireland of
the same architectural
Next: Cross Castle